Hauptstraße 2a . 26802 Moormerland | +49 4954 927955-0
Deutsche Wakeboard Meisterschaften in Salzgitter mit uns als Sponsor
Wir sind stolzer Sponsor der Deutschen Wakeboard Meisterschaften, die bei unserem Kunden, dem Wasserski Salzgitter stattfinden. Wir freuen uns auf ein tolles Event und zeigen Euch, wie wir Salzgitter mit unserem Wakeparkmanager unterstützen.
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Mann kommt zu spät zur Arbeit.
Today we celebrate the curious ‘Day of Tardiness’. But what actually happens if your employees are late for work? What consequences could this have under labour law? We clarify this for you in this article.
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Self-Serviceterminals mit Anbdingung an Barzahlautomaten
You can now also connect cash machines to our self-service terminals! Our developers have recently created a special interface that allows you to pay cash at a connected machine. Why is this so practical? With this new function, you can offer your customers even more flexibility when paying at self-service terminals. In addition to the previous payment options such as EC cash or our SimplePaid prepaid payment system, you can now also offer cash payment at one of our self-service...
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Our tried-and-tested CASSABOX POS system is now also available as a cloud POS system! This new version offers numerous advantages that are particularly ideal for smaller companies with one or two cash registers.
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